Valentiny Contest

Valentine's Day on Halloween Hill

‘Twas Valentine’s Day
on Halloween Hill.
Snow flurries ushered
the frostiest chill.
Sweet little Mable
set out for the top--
determined her fear
would not let her stop.
But “Boo!” groaned the ghost,
and “Hiss!” shrieked the cat.
Skeletons rattled,
And “Woosh!” flew the bat.
Suddenly Mable
was not feeling brave,
but still she approached
the mouth of the cave.
“Happy Day to you,
my dear Valentine!
I brought you chocolate!
Oh, won’t you be mine?”
From out of the cave
called Pumpkin King Jack,
“You’ve made a mistake.
You’d better turn back.
Today’s not a day
for spooks or for scares.
Today is a day
to show that you care.”
“But I am not wrong,”
said Mable to Jack.
“I’ve brought you all treats.
I won’t take them back.
You bring us such fun
on Halloween night,
and so for today,
I bring you delight.”
Then Pumpkin King Jack
crawled out of his cave.
“Thank you, dear Mable.
You’re terribly brave.
You’ve climbed the great hill
That no one else dared.
You’ve shown us monsters
there’s love to be shared.
Thanks for your kindness,
for being so brave.
I hardly ever
come out of this cave.
But now that I have,
I surely will share
this Valentine cheer
to all everywhere.”
This is my 212 word entry for Susanna Leonard Hill's Valentiny Contest.
The rules: write a kid-friendly Valentine story about someone being brave in 214 words or less. Many thanks to Susanna for hosting and to all the awesome prize donors! Happy Valentine's Day, all!